What makes online branded content and advertising campaigns go viral?
IE University and IE Business School hosted a practical and interactive Master Class animated by Brian Hallett, Associate Professor at IE, Brand Storyteller, Imagemaker. During the event, we explored one of the most mysterious and misunderstood aspects of the entire digital revolution. We also examined specific examples of Brands that have successfully used the power of the internet, social media and “sharing” to spread their messages far and wide. And most importantly, we looked at the key success factors which Brands employ to get their message out.
What do all viral campaigns have in common, and what elements make them unique?
Brian Hallett has been an Associate Professor at IE since 2012. His courses in Branding and Storytelling through Image-Making, Photography, Video Production within the Masters in Visual and Digital Media, as well as the International MBA program, are renowned for their high-energy and interactive teaching style, providing participants with the opportunity to achieve real and profound change and growth. Brian’s students have recognized him with the Award for Favorite Professor several times.